Dental bridges

Dental bridges as a replacement

With a dental bridge you can replace a missing tooth or molar. A dental bridge is attached to two or more pillars. These are ground teeth on either side of the open space of the missing tooth or molar. A bridge consists of two or more crowns that fit on pillars and a bridge intermediate part, also called a 'dummy'. 

Sustainable solution

Crowns and dental bridges are intended as durable replacements for teeth and molars. They mimic the original form and function as much as possible. Treatment for a crown or bridge is more complicated than for a regular filling. You will therefore have to return to your dentist several times.

Treatment for bridges

Preparatory treatment may be required first. For example, a filling, root canal treatment or implant treatment. A pin or build-up may be needed to strengthen the tooth. The dentist grinds the teeth where the bridge will be placed to make room.

For a dental bridge on top of implants, the dentist places a structure in the implant. An impression is made of the teeth. This can be done with an impression tray (chopping) or digitally (scanning). It also records how you get close and determines the color of the bridge. The dentist can make the bridge himself or outsource it to a dental technician.

A (temporary) emergency bridge is placed to protect the ground tooth or molar. When the final bridge is ready, the bridge is fitted and inspected. The dentist then secures the bridge.